Eventus Audio Metis: Interested In Your Experience

Pair of these on the way for me. For those who have had any experience am intrigued how you felt about them and if you own them what you've done for best sound (cable etc). There's little US coverage on the Eventus line but the little I've found seems to talk very highly of them.

I'm very interested in the concept they utilize of shaping the interior cabinet w/ a unique anechoic design to reduce standing waves along w/ placing the crossover parts (which seem to be of very high quality) into an isolated chamber at the bottom of the speaker and out of the internal sound chamber.

They look beautiful as well which makes it easy to integrate into my listening room since doubles as my main living room.

I just spent some time on the Eventus website. Thanks for the link. All their products look beautiful, and the whole operation seems pretty impressive. Good Luck with your audio journey and I hope you continue to enjoy the speakers. Happy Listening.
Thanks Adam. This manufacturer is relatively well known in Europe/Asia but they haven't quite received much attention in the states. I'm glad i took the leap of faith so far...will return with additional listening notes as time goes by.
Congrats on the new speakers. How can you hear guitarists moving around the stage on older live rock albums?
It's the channel separation, you can hear when they move left, right, fore, and aft...the separation and movement in relation to the soundstage is fantastic.
Hi Jcote.
I hesitated in writing this, as my impressions were not altogether positive and my experience brief. Here goes...I listened to these at the local Sydney high end dealer, Audio Connection. They were expensive here - around $7000 including stands. In store I compared them directly with small second hand MBLs (311Es), both with Jadis equipment (DA50 signature amp). To be honest, I preferred the MBLs - smoother, fuller, less etched. This store has an amazing range and I also listened to Wilson Duettes and Sonus Faber Guarneri Mementos, albeit with different electronics (Jadis JA30 & ARC Ref110 amps, ARC pre and CD; ) - these speakers likewise suited my tastes more than the Metis - I'm not a huge fan of the Sonus Faber's house sound, but the Mementos, for better or worse, are voiced closer to "ordinary" speakers - silky highs, but some nice punch in the bass and reasonable midrange clarity (the Wilsons took clarity to another level, at the cost of some sweetness).

I've since purchased Usher Be718s, initially guided by the rave reviews, aesthetics, and realistic price - these are incredibly smooth, and offer a generous sound stage that impersonates a larger speaker; they benefit immensely from the matching Usher stands (to which they bolt), and from detailed powerful amplification and ancillaries - I wouldn't readily swap them for one of the more expensive alternatives: given the store demos I'm not convinced that the extra money buys sound that I appreciate - of the speakers mentioned the Mementos sounded closest to the Ushers. The Metis look great, but I felt they were overpriced and presented a smaller, slightly drier, view onto the music.

So overall re the Metis = beautiful speakers, but not ideal for my tastes.

All the best,