Best place to put a single subwoofer?

I know there are many opinions regarding subwoofer placement. I have had multiple subs (4) all in the same listening space. Way too much! I have had matched pairs hooked up in stereo. Right now I own only 1. It is part of my dedicated 2 channel music room and not a theater system. I have a pair of MBL 101e Mk2's which are excellent speakers IMHO, and they produce POWERFUL bass in their own right. However I am a bass freak (as noted above), so the harder it hits the better. Plus I tend to listen to a fair amount of rock music which I like to play loud, (hence MBL 101e's). Right now I have my sub positioned dead center between the two Radialstrahlers and it does ok. But I feel as though I'm missing something and that I ought to do something to increase performance, although I'm not exactally sure where to go with it. Not too many places I can move it to, but input and suggestions would be much appreciated. I have tried moving it closer, and then farther away from the wall but have not noticed any dramatic improvements. What about bass "suck out"? Could I be having some cancellation issues? What things would you Audiogoners do to improve on (already good) bass performance?
Great feedback everybody. I agree about the corner placement being "overpowering". I have done that already and found that room boundries do boost the bass, but not in the best way, and the left side of my listening room where the sub was situated, was bass "heavy" despite the fact that bass below 100hz is supposed to be non-directional. I never set the crossover above 60hz and still it dominated the left side of the room. So I moved it inbetween my speakers. I have spent months pulling away from, and pushing it back toward the wall. Not sure if closer, or further away from wall matters. Doesn't seem to make too much difference. Currently x'd-over at 65hz. Spiked as well using 2 inch spikes.
Meiwan suggested 6 inches or so slightly BACK from the face of the main speakers. I have done that and can't be sure it made any difference.
A few more specifics: Sub is a JM LAB/Focal (Berrillium series) "UTOPIA". It has a 1000w. "bash" amp built in, a single, forward firing 16 inch driver, and is ported at the rear of the cabinet (transmission line I believe it's called). I am running it in balanced xlr mode. Not using the LFE input, but the L/R stereo inputs (summed bass??). My wall behind the speakers & S.W. are acoustically treated. 5 floor to ceiling absorption panels populate the ENTIRE wall. MBL radialstrahlers as you all know, have HUGE amounts of output in all directions, which made my wall VERY "live" and reflective. The sound was BRIGHT as hell. So I had panels built to "tame" it. Things are wonderful now. BUT. And that's a big BUT, it appears that my bass impact is suffering. Or does what I did to the wall not have as big a bearing than placement? This is why I struggle, and why I have turned to fellow Audiogoners for input and advice. So far alot of good advice given. Most of it I have already done before. So what do you folks think is REALLY going on? Is my JM LAB sub a piece of shit? Might I be better suited with 2 subs, instead of just 1? Run in stereo? Or do you think that my MBL's might just be overshadowing/outperforming my current sub?
I know I have posed a number of questions for your kind consideration, advice. But I am in sort of a quandry about this, and have (obviously) spent a fair amount of money on my system, and still I can't achieve the leval of "punch" and "slam" that I experience at C.E.S. in the MBL room. And they aren't even using a subwoofer. Ok, so that's what the meat of the matter is. More input please!

Your speculation about suckouts (due to room interaction) seems like a good place to start. Given the low end capabilities of the gear that you're using, I'd guess that room issues are the most likely cause of your disatsifaction with the low end performance of your system.

It's possible that you can position a single sub to address such problems, but that's a time consuming porocess of trial and error, and there's no guarantee that any position will provide a satisfactroy result. However, life is easier when you have the right tools. Either a stand alone RTA unit (like Room Wizard) or a RTA sub-woofer manager (like the Velodyne SMS-1 or Audyssey SVS) will provide a visual readout of in-room bass response. IME, this assistance will cut the effort significantly .

Or, you might see if you can find a dealer who'll allow you to do an in-home demo of any high quality HT pre-pro equipped with Audyssey (or similar) digital room correction. Substitute the pre-pro into your system in place of your existing pre-amp and A-B the system with Audyssey in and out of the loop. If Audyssey fixes the problem to your satisfaction, you can then proceed with whichever Digital Room Correction system best fits your preferences. There are a bunch of different DRC units available for you to choose from.

Just one more way to skin this particular cat.

Good Luck.

Were I placing only one I would start out near middle of the room (though not exact, but off by a foot ot two) near against a side wall. Then take measurements at the seat, moving the sub up/down the wall length up to a few feet one way and the other at one inch increments searching for best room integration. And if not getting desired effect then up to six or eight inches further away from the side wall at one inch increments, again going up/down the length a up to a few feet.