No Improvement With Transparent Reference RCA Interconnects For Naim NDX 2 Streamer

I am in need of some guidance from those more audiophile educated than myself. I recently upgraded my 18-old system. My system now is: Mark Levinson 5805, Naim NDX 2 streamer with Naim XPS DR power source, Naim Uniti Core CD ripper to WAV files, and Transparent Super speaker cables.
I use the streamer mostly for music from Tidal and the Uniti Core. My dealer talked me into buying a pair Transparent Reference RCA Interconnects saying my system was good enough to benefit from the $3200 upgrade. After ~ 600 hours "burn-in" time, I have to say that the Refs don't sound any better than my 18-year old Transparent Supers. Transparent's VP even called me when I politely complained, explained how the Refs were tuned for the source impedance and suggested that my speakers may need to be re-positioned to which I replied that there is not much more room for adjustment.
I am wondering several things: if the Refs are simply overkill for Naim's mid-level streamer, or if Transparent "tuned" the boxes incorrectly, or if the Ultras would be better, or if a different brand of interconnects would be better, or fill in the blank.
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

This quote below is from Transparent's website vis a vis their RCA Reference cables. My old interconnects were first generation Transparent Super, two levels below Reference, so I expected a significant performance impact, and, didn't get it.

"REFERENCE RCA Interconnect is a significant performance upgrade compared to ULTRA RCA Interconnect. Reference level cables are the first products in the Transparent family to be custom calibrated for the specific electrical output characteristics of your components."

Your story is the perfect example of over priced $3,200 are BS.But your problem was you were opened minded or a true audiophile, then they would of been perfection....yeah right .Remember  money can't buy you love .......
custom calibrated for the specific electrical output characteristics of your components.

My components output electrons. What a load of malarkey!
Lesson #1: If its any good you will hear it right out of the box, and it will only get better with time. If its not good right out of the box, send it back, it never will be.
Lesson #2: Never buy anything based on a story. "Specific electrical output characteristics" is a story. A tired, worn, 600 hours long cliche of a story.

Lesson #3: When in doubt, just buy whatever new or used Synergistic Research fits your budget. It will handily outperform anything anywhere even close in price.

A dealer should be assisting you in achieving better sound,  That's what they're supposed to be there for.  I would talk to your dealer about your issues and they should help you.  A customer that spends 3k+ on interconnects is a valuable commodity and your dealer should take your issues seriously.  If not, find someone else.