what is your opinion ?

Hi everyone, last 18 years I've got hooked up to vintage Tube amplifiers, prior to that I was rather happy with SS muscle amps driven to my Apogee Scintilla and Duetta sig's truly open 3D soundstage Few tube amps was able accept Apogee marriage but not  as good as SS amps, until I ended up bargain priced infamous Altec's voice the theatre speakers not a wife pleaser but luckly I've  got a dedicated music room, never looked back since then ,,WE design 91 , WE46C , RIP Don Garber, even loftin White design SET amps T.Mayer Attilio Caccamo of Tektron some genious Japanese design SET Amps they all have unique presantation complimented by incredable sound of 45, 2A3, VT52,300B, E406N, even modern production Sophia 206 , and many more  ! my question is why these old school design audio sounds nearer to reality ? naturally we are all aware of room acoustics tuning our  rooms etc, etc are we listening equipment or music ? do we really need furniture grade Audio equipment ? or maybe we humans are we trying to re invent the wheel again ?
I fully respect what you are saying but initial invention of OTL amp as far as I know creation of J.Futtermam, it means the wheel already has been invented ! talented guys like yourselfs improve /re create OTL Amp Design Such as Berning makes Delicious OTL Amps Acuhorn makes OTL Amps and many more, but I sincerely do not understand why we are discussing OTL Amps, my initial question was SET Amps and Horns and really wanted to hear from SET Amps and horn lovers or enthusiasts . kindest regards.Sabih
Actually the first OTL patents in the US preceded Futterman's patent. He did not invent the technology, he developed a means of positive feedback to help the drive of the top tube in the output section to be driven as well as the bottom one.

We got around the problem entirely by a different circuit. I got the idea during a dream back in 1976. At the time I had no idea who Futterman was.  FWIW the Berning amplifier is brilliant, but not an OTL as it has both semiconductors and an output transformer in its output section.

My last two posts here (including this one) are corrections to set the record straight. FWIW your opening post does not suggest that this thread is about SETs; it simply asks about 'old school designs' and whether we are re-inventing the wheel (the answer to the latter question is rather obviously 'no.').

Dear atmasphere, You just hit the nail on the head !  my opening post definetely old school designs , Somehow you have started to bombard me Your OTL Design amplifier as you clearly  explained yourself who ever came up with the idea of OTL Amps still goes back few years  back basicly the wheel already been invented talented guys like your self improve the design  which is fantastic really hats off ! which regarding that one is not OTL This one is OTL , Mine is better Yours is worst kind of aproach I Personally believe is absurd .As mention before What ever floats your boat ! as an ex BBC Sound engineer I've set studios up artists like E.John to led zeppellin all they interested music and good recordings not hertz and kilohertz. and again still would like to hear from SET amps and horns enhusists. best regards.Sabih
Mine is better Yours is worst kind of aproach I Personally believe is absurd
You'll notice I stay away from that sort of talk.
Dear atmasphere, I'm not sure what you mean,,, by '' You'll notice I stay away from that sort of talk.'' in one of  my post mentioned D.Berning OTL design you have instantly made a comment he uses this, that , semiconducters etc, etc, as a matter of you start to critise other OTL Design and lectured me VOTT capabilities please allow me to remind you the goal is civilised discussion about old school desings esp SET Amps and horns , at age of 71 after 55 years inside and outside of this amazing audio industry lucky enough to meet Great designers and engineers like N.Pass, j.rowland, Thomas Mayer, RIP Don Garber,K.Ishiwata,Mr Yamamura and many more their very human approch to life and massive respect to all other genius designers never stop learning approach is true example of  we never stop learning till we stop breathing . thanks best regards.

Sabih... i dealt with Ralph@Atmasphere he did not patented the OTL designs, he is just B.S.ing with you, don’t believe him.  Just ignore his arrogant responses believe me i own his preamp, he claims it’s a balanced symmetry designs on his preamp, which he patented, to me he is lying.   There are no such things claiming balanced and not using input or output transformer.