Pass Labs Power amps choices

I am selling my Krell EVO components and moving over to Pass labs.
I just snagged a very nice X-1 for a song and now need a power amp to move my Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers.
So my thoughts are either 250 or 350 stereo amps. Question much different/better are the .5 and .8 varieties over the older x-250 or x-350 amps?
Many thanks.
I’ve only heard the older Pass X250 and I didn’t think it was anything special. It sounded just like any other high powered SS amp even a little bright at higher volumes. It sounded reasonably decent with a tube preamp sitting in front of it but so did my high powered Adcom amp. I thought Bryston 7B-ST monos sounded better in the same system. I understand the newer .5 and .8 versions are significantly better but are priced higher accordingly.
I am considering the 250.8 over the 250.5 I am  currently using but it is $10,000 CND plus my 250.5. Is the difference in sound worth $10,000 plus  my 250.5?
mitchb - Do I like the 250.8 better than the 250.5. Yes, absolutely. (own the 250.8, have heard the 250.5 in the same system)

Is it 10k CAD plus your 250.5 better? - Likely not. What else would you do with the 10k?

Do you have your "end game speakers"?

What pre-amp?


... all about allocation of funds.

Now, do you have a burning itch to have the 250.8 and the 10k isn’t a huge stretch - sure, it’s better (to my ears).
If you get the .5, you will lust after the .8 forever.  Just get it now and never look back.