Pass X-250.8, X-250.5 or XA-30.8...or?

I am looking for an amp to drive my Revel Ultima Salon 2's.

I have always loved Pass designs, owning a few of his great amps in the past.

I don't think the 30.8 will drive my Revels. And I'm hearing that there is a noticeable increase in sonic performance between the .5 and .8 amps.
I will be using a Krell EVO-202 as the pre.

Would love to hear your thoughts and observations.
I need a reliable amp as I live in Hawaii and shipping stuff to get it repaired gets really costly! 


XA160.8 way better than X250.8 which I owned for a long time and liked quite a lot...according to me and everyone who listened to my system...
I agree with what Pass Labs told you, though I think the XA160.8 has no disadvantages with the X250.8, as it is 3X more expensive...a more comparable comparison would be the X350.8 and the XA60.8...there seems to not be agreement on whether the X350.8 sounds better, rather than different from the X250.8...and later X250.5's were a little different than earlier ones, you can tell which is which by the changes on the rear panel...
Ive been told the 350.8 is more suitable for Rock compared to the 250.8 which works better for Jazz/Classical  YMMV
"I rather take the Hegel H30 over the pass 350.8. Sorry to do this to Nelson but he dropped the ball with the 350.8. I rather own the 350.5. More musicality and sweetness. The Hegel H30 beats both and it does it quite easily. Whatever pass labs is going to do next to replace the .8 series they need to truly think hard and long because I feel that the .8 series was a failure. I’m pretty much mentally retired from the .8 series from pass. Ain’t a d@mn thing I like about it. Luxman 900u mops and sweeps the floor with the 350.8. Actually, the Luxman 900u demolishes the 350.8 in every single area."
- White Camaross

Interesting perspective.