Best SET speaker combo under 5k new or used

Looking for a combo that you own, not opinions based on reviews etc. My room is 13 x 20 treated with GIK panels.
Polk lsim707 with SAE 502 amp ,Nad C588 with Ortofon Blue Cart.,,Schitt Mani pre phono ,Zixang Sgeng tube pre Amp ,Onkyo C7030.But I change my equipment often.
I'm thinking you could get Coincident Frankensteins paired with Coincident Triumph Extreme II  for just a bit over 5K.  That is a pair that works really well together.  I rebuilt the crossovers in my speakers for about $500 and added a sub.  Really nice, especially with upper tier 300B tubes.   
Not sure why this post didn't generate more response.  Seems like a reasonable request for information, although a 5K limit on an SET amp/speaker is a little low even used.