what is your opinion ?

Hi everyone, last 18 years I've got hooked up to vintage Tube amplifiers, prior to that I was rather happy with SS muscle amps driven to my Apogee Scintilla and Duetta sig's truly open 3D soundstage Few tube amps was able accept Apogee marriage but not  as good as SS amps, until I ended up bargain priced infamous Altec's voice the theatre speakers not a wife pleaser but luckly I've  got a dedicated music room, never looked back since then ,,WE design 91 , WE46C , RIP Don Garber, even loftin White design SET amps T.Mayer Attilio Caccamo of Tektron some genious Japanese design SET Amps they all have unique presantation complimented by incredable sound of 45, 2A3, VT52,300B, E406N, even modern production Sophia 206 , and many more  ! my question is why these old school design audio sounds nearer to reality ? naturally we are all aware of room acoustics tuning our  rooms etc, etc are we listening equipment or music ? do we really need furniture grade Audio equipment ? or maybe we humans are we trying to re invent the wheel again ?
Dear  gregm3, Thank you for your kind reminder, as if you are commenting behalf of  @atmasphere , I  started my post Old school design valve amps and Horn speakers, all of sudden got bombarded by OTL Amps lectured Incapabilities of VOTT And apogee ribbons , I  presumed gentlemen either a proud owner, cult follower or owner of OTL  company and many occasions complimented to him what he has achieved with his design, all the great designers engineers I've met they were all modest and respect to other designers and enginers as a matter of fact  never ever seen or come a cross any designer arrogantly defiantly diverts to discussion another directions, finally I'm not interested hertz and kilohertz circuits transformers and I'm not reffering to another dimension or another world !  thread was Old School design amps, & Horns,as mentioned before nothing is original everything is comes from somewhere and great designers @atmasphere   improves or makes it even better so many times I Said HATS OFF guys like him, I  do not want exchange messages what is what ? circuits , transformers etc, All I'm interested with Music listening music even if it is whitely or Kondo amplifiers  and quad 57's as long I  can listen music, why waste time discussions like this ? therefore please we should never ever offend anyone nor tell them hertz and kilohertz whatever floats your boat best regards

' in one of my post mentioned D.Berning OTL design you have instantly made a comment he uses this, that , semiconducters etc, etc, as a matter of you start to critise other OTL Design
I think you will find that the above statement is incorrect! I was not critical of the Berning amp. I merely made a comment to clarify point of fact. Here is my comment:
FWIW the Berning amplifier is **brilliant**, but not an OTL as it has both semiconductors and an output transformer in its output section.
Note the use of the word 'brilliant' (emphasis added in the above quote). This means I have a lot of respect for the design (which Berning patented) and a lot of respect for the man himself. Nor was I critical of other OTL designs. I have the feeling you are trying to put words in my mouth! You'll also note that when I got into this conversation I did not mention what OTL I was playing in my system.

regarding zipost's comments, obviously there is a lot of tongue in cheek going on there :)  Its pretty funny and obviously meant to be exactly that.
Regarding this comment
all of sudden got bombarded by OTL Amps lectured Incapabilities of VOTT And apogee ribbons
-I feel you misinterpreted my comments about both speakers entirely. I was trying to get you to understand what the strengths of both were, plus what you can do to improve the Altecs further since that is what you are using; I ran VOTTs for many years.

My dear atmasphere,  you are like dog with bone somehow you do not let go you are picking few words from my post in a unique manipulative way trying to score a point, perhaps you need to read my post carefully I'm not using VOTT or apogee speakers I'm currently using Maxonic speakers with we 91 design amplifier feel whatever you feel ! I never offend you nor dare to make a negative comment in fact I complimented you several times. The way you deliver your messages does not sound too friendly, rather sterile and  commanding ! for your information I have never ever come a cross designer / manufacturer spends time on this kind of forums I honestly not that sure what are you trying to achieve  ? let me remind you once again my intention is hear from SET Amps and horn owners not OTL design amps , if it not broken do not try to fix it.Please please please respect my simple request not to respond me. best wishes.
I honestly not that sure what are you trying to achieve ?
I participate on this and other forums simply because I enjoy music and I enjoy helping out where I can. I like to simply state the facts; I apologize if this has put you off.
Ralph, you are not out of line, as far as my understanding of the op's original post. He is arrogant, close minded, and comes off, to know more than everyone else, imo. I would not, at this point, be willing to address his questions, and have a discussion with him, about anything. Not my kind of person. BTW...although I live with ss, using horns, with the right speaker, OTL is the far better sq, based on my years of listening.........