How important is the source used with a DAC to obtain optimal quality from Tidal ?

Just wondering what would be the difference if I were using an android tv box with vs Bluesound Node 2 connected as a source to my DAC using Tidal Hi Fi files. My set up is old school as follows. ADS L1590 speakers, Adcom GFA-565 preamp, Adcom GFA-555 power amp and just added RME ADI-2 DAC. Was considering adding a Bluesound Node 2 DAC as a source for my DAC. So I guess was wondering what audio improvements would there be by adding the Bluesound to my DAC instead of just using tidal from an existing android Box. I’ve noticed many instances when a Bluesound Node 2 was added to a high end existing DAC. Just not clear as to advantages or what would be the ideal choice to use a source for Flac / Hi Fi files.

I don’t know the answer, but I will say that I have both Tidal MQA and the highest quality Qobuz through a NAD M-10 and prefer the SQ of Qobuz. I had a Blusound Node 2i and liked it but clearly there are much better DACs out there than what’s in the 2i.
As long as your (android TV box?) can pass the digital signal to the RME DAC I don't see an advantage. I'm assuming you only want the Node2i for the streamer part. 
Inthisinstance neither is areal server now if you talkinging a lunin ori or an innousthen you would hear a large difference in sound quality