I'm looking forward to listening tonight.....

Okay, so it's Friday morning, and I'm really looking foward to being home tonight, spending some quality time listening to music. I was out most of last weekend and every night this week (both business stuff and fun stuff.... Allman Brothers Band concert on Monday.... WOW, it was fantastic !)and I have not had any good listenig time with my system in over a week. I can't wait to get back down to my listening room. Has anyone else experienced this type of "audio withdrawal," where you really missed your music ? Happy Listening.
My wife and I have been member sponsors of the EGG for many years, and we've been to lots and lots of wonderful concerts there. Yes, the acoustics at the EGG are superb, as are those at the Troy Music Hall. Unfortunately for me, we don't go to Troy much anymore, as I find it quite impossible to have my 6'4" body find a comfortable spot in those terrible seats. And, I agree with you Fjn04, we are quite lucky that so many outstanding musicians come to the Albany area to perform. Well, anyway, it's now 7 PM, so as promised to myself, I'm going down to sit in front of my Vandersteens to enjoy an evening of music. Maybe I'll start off with my original pink label Capricorn pressing of the Allmans Live at Filmore East. After that, some Jeff Beck and then some Hank Mobley. Happy Listening, and may you all enjoy a beautiful Thanksgiving !
Ironically, they tried changing the seats at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall around 20 years ago, and found it depreciated the acoustics so much, they went back to the nasty old ones; bring a cushion! I also believe "The Hall" didn't come into its full acoustical glory until they installed the organ behind the stage which goes back to the late 19th century. A great space for unamplified classical and light acoustical music - one you plug in, all bets are off - I've heard wonderful 'electrified music' there (Jimmy Smith, Richard Thompson, Alison Krauss), and I've heard dreadful (last year's Joe Jackson show to cite but one). All in all, a wonderful venue; and you should go to Troy more often, if only for the wider ranger of dining options than much of the surrounding area. Since I work here, I've tried just about all of it (except for Dinosaur BBQ which I'll wait until the hoopla dies down).

No argument from me regarding the Egg theaters - they are all quite exceptional across the board except when you push them too loud (the recent Steve Hackett show being the only time I've ever attended the Egg where I wanted earplugs, and the resulting sound was merely fair to poor). Both The Palace and Proctor's in Schenectady can have good sound, depending on the ability of the sound engineer for any given show. And I have to admit, the sound was so bad and the performance so uninspiring that I fell asleep at the Pretenders show at The Palace last year. Damn, I'm getting old. Happy Thanksgiving!
I saw them at the Palladium in NYC .in 1972 Duane had passed .I had like 9 row seats ,What a Concert. I didn't know much about them but after that show ,I became a fan.