Pass Labs Power amps choices

I am selling my Krell EVO components and moving over to Pass labs.
I just snagged a very nice X-1 for a song and now need a power amp to move my Revel Ultima Salon 2 speakers.
So my thoughts are either 250 or 350 stereo amps. Question much different/better are the .5 and .8 varieties over the older x-250 or x-350 amps?
Many thanks.
As I understand it the .8’s have a slightly more muscular output with a more tailored harmonic content, on the other hand the .5’s are more harmonically neutral (than the .8's). I believe Pass Labs will still offer .5’s on request.
Ya that is what I heard from many people that compared X to XA that XA is better in most respects and the build quality is closer to XS.
But X may be useful when more power is needed and maybe better with bass control and dynamics (Kent and Desmond mentioned this).

"I rather take the Hegel H30 over the pass 350.8. Sorry to do this to Nelson but he dropped the ball with the 350.8. I rather own the 350.5. More musicality and sweetness. The Hegel H30 beats both and it does it quite easily. Whatever pass labs is going to do next to replace the .8 series they need to truly think hard and long because I feel that the .8 series was a failure. I’m pretty much mentally retired from the .8 series from pass. Ain’t a d@mn thing I like about it. Luxman 900u mops and sweeps the floor with the 350.8. Actually, the Luxman 900u demolishes the 350.8 in every single area."
- White Camaross

Interesting perspective.