Any thoughts on Pass X150.8 ?

I don't see any reviews or impressions of this amp. Any thoughts?
Ahh I see. I heard those are great speakers!

"I rather take the Hegel H30 over the pass 350.8. Sorry to do this to Nelson but he dropped the ball with the 350.8. I rather own the 350.5. More musicality and sweetness. The Hegel H30 beats both and it does it quite easily. Whatever pass labs is going to do next to replace the .8 series they need to truly think hard and long because I feel that the .8 series was a failure. I’m pretty much mentally retired from the .8 series from pass. Ain’t a d@mn thing I like about it. Luxman 900u mops and sweeps the floor with the 350.8. Actually, the Luxman 900u demolishes the 350.8 in every single area."
- White Camaross

Interesting perspective.

WC has a huge following on audiogon because of his monstrous amplifier thread and all the gear he has gotten to experience. You have to admire the endeavor.
Whether or not his opinion on the Pass Labs .8 steers your decision would be based on how well you think your preferences align with WC.  

In terms of professional reviews, the .8s always do well. Doug S has waxed poetic about the 200.8s. 
Also interesting is how wildly variant the opinions are. One person says they sound less lively than the .5, while another says they sound sterile and less musical. So which is it? Are they warm and muddy, or threadbare and cold? 
At the end of the day, you have to audition things in your system. Trusting online opinions only serves as a foundational basis for which direction to head in. 
Quite often I’ve got suckered in to buying something that was raved about, and ended up sounding disappointing to me. 

King you are so right. Extremely well written post! I use online opinions as a guide for things I should try... but sometimes you do have to buy something and then try it and live with it (as WC does). I have seen a lot of positive impressions with the Pass amps and also have engineers on our Sonic Visions discord that are very impressed with the way pass amps are constructed (and they are critical of 90%+ of amp construction out there... even amps costs $100k or more). So the combination of those factors makes me think its a good bet. And because Pass is recognized if it doesn't sound good in my system I can always sell it and probably not lose that much.
I am guessing Pass and luxman (m900u) are fairly safe bets for the reasons above.
White Camaros actually praised the .8 series and said the 250.8 was the best amp he's heard and. went on to say he wants to get a 350.8 when the prices come down or he's gets a smoking deal so I'm confused by the OP statement. 
I have heard the 150.8 vs. the 250.5 and the xa25 (along with Parasounds JC1s, Merrill Veritas, and lastly a Gryphon Diablo 300. The 150.8 was the most analytical of the pass amps - I liked the 250.5 the best of the Pass. The xa25 was a little too warm to me - it sounded like the "jump factor" of a hard snare drum was lost, if that makes sense.
Like everything else in this hobby, YMMV. Reno HiFi has a nice testing policy, I’d try to get whatever amp you are aiming for in your home and give it a listen for a few days.
Good luck!