Is my room big enough for the Harbeth HL5's?

My room is 12 ft. x 15 ft. with 8 ft. ceilings. I do have corner bass traps and absorbent panels on the side walls for the first reflection point. I own the 7es3 right now and they work very well in this room.
The problem is this. I heard the hl5's at Fidelis this weekend in a room a little larger than mine and fell in love right away with the hl5's. I am currently using a Bryston 4bsst (which I will probably be selling soon for a warmer amp. I am also using a DeHavilland Ultraverve lll which I love. I will most likely buy the hl5's. Any suggestions or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

OP, your room is no problem. Which will you like better? The room is not part of the answer to that - they will both function very well with your room. Are you asking something besides that? or you just wanted to know about the speaker/room interface?
I misread Dodgealum's post that I quoted. I thought he was saying the room was too small and clearly that wasn't the case.
Bring them home and compare them. I believe Fidelus has a home-audition policy where you can try-before-buy.
