Lumin U1 vs Lumin U1 mini + sbooster?

Has anyone done this comparison ? How close can the mini get ?
Sounds like a varied and thorough group of tests.  I'll have to try the U-1 sometime. 
As a supplement great post here by Steven Huang of audio sensibility. He is a Lumin and SOTM dealer. Not exactly topical but he compares u1 mini to sotm and keeps adding enhancements to each side and gives his thoughts on each as you enhance each item and build a chain around them:
Mrcypruz: Were you able to get any kind of discount or deal on the Lumin U1 from Upscale, or did you pay the retail price? 
I got a deal from a friend. You can always call Upscale Audio to ask for a deal, they usually give me deals when I call them instead of just placing an order online. 
Well, I was able to get to try the U1 in my system this weekend.  I agree with mrcypruz, it is better - don't know why (!) But it is.  For me the difference is worth the extra cost.  More refined, better highs, most as was previously described, but I'll try it this way.  Like most good digital I've heard, in terms of upgrades, it just seems to put everything in its place better, in terms of the presentation.  It's not just a factor of sound attributes (e.g., highs, timbre, dynamics, etc.) But of a more realistic presentation.  And I think it is also in the realm of timing somehow.  As an analogy, compare a 1960 movie in Technicolor - nice looking, but a modern movie in HD looks more like the real thing.  The U1 mini sounds a little stunted in comparison.  I had the SBooster as well.  I also like the idea of being able to keep the U1 for a long time while being able to upgrade the DAC only, if desired, or like in my case presently pairing it with a great SACD player with DAC input.