Several days ago, I installed the ElectraClear device in my main audio system. I gave it an hour of time to adjust and then removed it, listened and reinstalled it. My friend said they substantially improved his sound quality. An interesting tweak for $75.
I removed the ElectraClear, listened and reinstalled the ElectraClear. The music is clearer and smoother. Unbelievable. After several days, I still cannot believe this small $75 ElectraClear device can make such an improvement. It seems there is electrical magic going on in this box. The music simply has more air, is clearer and sounds less congested. BTW, my 2-channels home theatre system also sounds better. I purchased 2 ElectraClear devices, one for each system.
I removed the ElectraClear, listened and reinstalled the ElectraClear. The music is clearer and smoother. Unbelievable. After several days, I still cannot believe this small $75 ElectraClear device can make such an improvement. It seems there is electrical magic going on in this box. The music simply has more air, is clearer and sounds less congested. BTW, my 2-channels home theatre system also sounds better. I purchased 2 ElectraClear devices, one for each system.