To those not very technical who are considering these snake oil products. Save your money and put it toward a real upgrade of equipment instead.
As it’s always the same old SR persistent shillers, that come back to these threads time and time again to spruik about the "incredible sonic benefits" of installing a >$100 blue or whatever fuse in place of the manufacturers 50cent one.
And then have the hide to say the newer more expensive one when it comes out has even more "incredible benefits" than the $150 one.
Don’t be gullible, and see where this is going. It’s like a malignant cancer. NO Electronic Engineer worth his salt will back this snake oil, and the benefits these shillers claim there are with these snake oil products.
Cheers George
As it’s always the same old SR persistent shillers, that come back to these threads time and time again to spruik about the "incredible sonic benefits" of installing a >$100 blue or whatever fuse in place of the manufacturers 50cent one.
And then have the hide to say the newer more expensive one when it comes out has even more "incredible benefits" than the $150 one.
Don’t be gullible, and see where this is going. It’s like a malignant cancer. NO Electronic Engineer worth his salt will back this snake oil, and the benefits these shillers claim there are with these snake oil products.
Cheers George