The most experienced person with these I know is teajay, and he talked me out of the Be tweeter. Not that it took much. One of the many beauties of the design is the organic continuity of using the same driver over so much of the range. Essentially everything from the midbass on up is done with the same driver. If a Be tweeter is used that will be a different sonic signature and so as teajay said better to be all cloth.
I would only consider the Be tweeter if using it across the whole MTM array. Eric swears doing that with an Ulf and you have a speaker as good as any in the world. But again that is using Be across the whole MTM array, not just the one tweeter. He may be right but its beyond my budget. But you can try it and let me know!
I would only consider the Be tweeter if using it across the whole MTM array. Eric swears doing that with an Ulf and you have a speaker as good as any in the world. But again that is using Be across the whole MTM array, not just the one tweeter. He may be right but its beyond my budget. But you can try it and let me know!