Mesa Boogie vs Fender

I own and really like a Mesa Boogie Tremoverb 2x12 combo. Sweet amp with great mids and lows...However, I am considering getting something a little less ’commanding’ like a 60’s era Fender Deluxe reverb, Twin reverb, Princeton reverb or maybe a Super reverb. Since I only use singe coil PUP’s, what would one expect the SQ to be like vs. my Mesa??
Back when I actually was in a rock band, I played a relic-ed Custom Shop "Pre-CBS" Fender Tele (among other axes) through a genuine Pre-CBS Vibrolux while the other guitarist played his various guitars, both humbucking & single-coil, through a Mesa Boogie.  True, the Boogie has more testosterone but my Vibrolux sounded so lovely, when I got out of the rock-and-roll game he asked to buy the thing.   As far as I know he still plays through it.  Meantime, just to keep a toe in the electric guitar world I have a Carr Rambler in the living room.  I also still have that Tele. 
@edcyn  what Mesa where they using back in the day? I think a Pre-CBS Vibrolux is a killer piece, sounds amazing with single coils. Too bad you got rid of the Vibrolux. 
Not being a smart a$$ but the SQ of the Fender will sound more like a Fender.  There is just a signature sound of their early 60's amps.  
@three_easy_payments   That is obviously true, but in what ways does the Fender sound differ from the Mesa sound for these particular amps, in your opinion?