Most organic / real / analogue sounding DAC (ideally with Volume Control) for $1500??????

I’d say I’m completely jaded with digital Hifi.   All sounds so thin & clinical.

I people raving about Benchmark DACs & Chord Mojos etc. They sound like hell to me.   Nothing at all like real live voices & instruments.

I’ve been reading about R2R Ladders & NOS.   The descriptions match what I’m looking for.   I want natural sound that makes me forget about Hifi & just listen to the music.
like Reel to Reel without the faff.

Lifelike is my aim, but I certainly prefer a warm, dark sound over clinical.

Don't need a load of inputs.  Only need 2 or 3.
I don’t have any analog sources, so prefer the DAC to have Volume Control to eliminate the need for a Pre Amp.   However, if the best sounding DACs don’t have Volume Control & there are clear sonic benefits to having a Preamp, then I could be persuaded.

I’m in UK btw, so need brands that ship to UK.

Suggestions please?


The irony is that a good $1500 DAC will sound better (dynamics, soundstage, detail) than a $1500 analog rig - but it won't sound more analog.  
The irony is the highest compliment one can pay digital is to say it sounds analog- yet they still try and pretend it sounds better.
I think my point is being missed as I’m a huge analog guy - vinyl is by far the most enjoyable and emotionally stirring format to listen to music provided you are set up properly, which is unfortunately linked to a price floor. In my experience there is a performance-to-price inflection point. Once you get into the $3K+ range with analog - including table, phono stage, and cart - analog begins to really distance itself from that $1500 digital front end. In fact you will have to start throwing lots of money (think multiples here) towards an exceptional DAC (like Lampizator) to start to get anywhere close to that $3K+ analog rig.

Some $500 Rega table + $500 Project Tube Box preamp + $500 Ortofon MM cart just isn’t going to a match a $1500 Benchmark DAC3 or Qutest.