PS Audio BHK versus Herron VTSP-3A(ro2)

I'm currently using a Herron VTSP-3A(r02) pre amp.  I purchased a used mint condition BHK on agon; it arrived today.

My first impressions: With the BHK, streaming SQ is noticeably better than with the Herron. I'm using a DirectStream Sr. DAC. Playing vinyl with the BHK, the Herron sounds noticeably better. I'm using a Herron VTPH-2A phono pre.

All things being equal, when playing vinyl with the Herron/Herron combination, the sound is much stronger and fuller than when streaming the same CD quality song using the Herron/DSD combination.  With the BHK, its the exact opposite, that is, the BHK/DSD streaming sound is stronger than the BHK/Herron vinyl sound.  In both cases, I can increase the volume to achieve about the same sound. 

Playing vinyl, I prefer the Herron/Herron vinyl SQ.  For streaming, I prefer the BHK/DSD SQ.  I am a bit disappointed in the BHK/Herron vinyl sound. Even when I turn up the volume, it lacks the full bodied Herron/Herron sound.  Before I get too excited, I'm going to try different loading plugs to see if that helps. Any other ideas are welcomed.

All too many A/B listening tests are skewed by mismatched volume levels.  As just said, unless the spls are pretty closely matched, comparative listening like this won't tell you too much.
I do have an spl, but I am not looking for scientific proof.  In this case, my ears tell me there's a big difference in the sound with the BHK.  There's also a difference with the Herron, but it's not as much and it is in reverse.  My concern is the BHK vinyl sound is a bit hollow when compared to the Herron at all volume levels.

Since I'm using XLR cables with the DSD and RCA cables with the Herron, I expected there to be a difference.  I believe with XLR it is +6db.  I don't expect them to match when I switch inputs.  I do want a fuller more robust BHK vinyl sound. 

I'm not having buyer's remorse.  Overall, I like the BHK for many reasons.  I'm 72.  As I get older, I stream more than I play vinyl.  But, when do, I want that Herron sound.  I've got some tinkering to do with Herron loading plugs to see if that improves things.
I am using both Herron pieces with a 15 foot run of RCA interconnects to my LTA UL No Problem!