PS Audio BHK Pre Amp and Herron VTPH-2A Phono Pre Users

I just purchased a PS Audio BHK pre amp.  I am moving to the BHK because I need to start using XLR cables for long runs to my power amp.  

When using the BHK with the Herron VTPH-2A phono pre, the sound is flat - for want of a better word.  When I use my Herron VTSP-3A(r02) pre amp with the VTPH-2A, the sound is wonderful.  I'm new to tubes.  I think I have an impedance issue.  Anyone else using a Herron phono pre with a BHK pre amp having or had a similar experience.

@three_easy_payments  You are.  With a more direct title and question, I was hoping to get a definitive answer.

I'm OK buying a different phono pre as a last resort, but I'd like to find out if I'm doing something wrong or if there's any way to get the Herron to work with the BHK.

I've considered the Parasound JC3+, PS Audio Stellar, and Sutherland Little Loco.  I'm leaning towards the PS Audio Stellar as I know it will work.
How do you know your Herron won’t properly drive a long length of SE cable ?
Honestly, I don't for sure.  My runs will be about 15' each.  Everything that I've read suggests XLR cables are best for runs like that.
My cathode follower McIntosh Mx-110 drive 25’ rca w easy in a moderate RFI environment- suggest you try that. While I don’t have Herron preamp, I have his phono - excellent gear. A low capacitance Blue Jean cable built on Belden wire should allow you to test a 15’ run for about $75
if I was in Seattle I would loan you mine