Transport to replace my cd player

Hi Gang,I could use some advice on CD transports. I just bought a new audio-gd 7HE 2020 DAC and think the CD player I have been using as a transport may be a bottleneck in my 2 channel system. The CD player is a Cambridge Azur 851 with upgraded blue fuses and a Synchro-mesh reclocker which has been OK but I think I may get good improvement with a dedicated transport. What do you think? The rest of my system consists of a VPI Classic 4 TT, McIntosh452 amp, a McIntosh C2600 preamp and the new DAC. Admittedly I have no experience with a dedicated Transport but based on reviews only these are the transports I'm considering: Cambridge CXC, Audiolab 6000CDT, Primare DD15 and DD35, Denafrips Avatar, McIntosh MCT 450 and MCT500 and finally the JAY's audio current transport. Have you experienced any of these? Which if any would you recommend?Thanks in advance,Joe
Ag insider logo xs@2xdonpepe
Back in the days of yore TAS liked the CEC belt-drive transport! IMO your search for a "better" transport is a futile endeavor. The proliferation of increasingly costly transports is a marketing strategy to snare the neurotic and insecure! The Emperor's new clothes! 
I have a factory-refurbished CXC that I paid about $300 for on Ebay and it works fine.  I haven't compared it with any of the others, but it is a very decent piece of gear for the money.  Check Ebay to see if they have any more.  A lot of people have said good things about the Audiolab as well. 

If you must spend money get the Cambridge CXC and be done with it! You can then spend many happy hours comparing it with and without the Synchro-mesh! Me, I'd rather just listen to some music! 
I have the CXC and it is a competent transport, no issues with its functionality & its performance. That said I guess I am on a "futile endeavor" journey with you, I have a Simaudio 260d (transport only) on order.
Think about a used PSAudio Perfectwave transport. I bought used about a year ago and it added detail and more emotion to the music in my system.