First Impression: Vivid Audio B1 Speakers

I'll start by stating that these speakers only have about 50 hours on them, so they're not even close to being broken in but, wow, what a speaker.

If you want to detail and transparency these speaks have them in spades. Depth, soundstage... superb. Put on a good recording and you'll be bowled over.

Sure, the low-end doesn't plunge the depths put they have GREAT bass punch. They definitely like some power but my Cary 211AEs work well.

You'll hear everything with these speakers so good front-end gear is a must.

Speaker placement is a bit tricky and I still don't feel I"m there yet but experimentation is part of the fun.

I'll post more in the coming weeks.
So you have had two well regarded speakers in your room with bass issues. I do think you have your room to deal with.

Contrary to what makers of side firing woofered speakers contend, I have found them to be trickier with room loading and just plain difficult to impossible to get to work to full potential in many rooms.

Somehow I feel I have not heard the Vivids to their fullest, where the have dynamics, richness when called for, and real life. Yet when I hear them I feel they have real potential.
I have the Vivid B1's which are powered by diy Hypex Ncore 300 watt monoblocks. I actually had to contact the dealer for room placement help and that made a night and day difference. Mine are about 2.5 feet from the back wall and completely open on the sides. They are toed in slightly about halfway compared to a direct toe in to my sweet spot. The sound is the best I have ever had in my room and I also have been in this hobby for a long time. I first heard class D Hypex Mola Mola monoblocks last year at CES in the Mirage powering the Vivid Giya's. It was some of the best sound I have heard and I knew I would soon build the diy Ncore version monoblocks. Very highly recommended with the Vivid's!
