This is an open forum where differing opinions exist. I’m not trying to save anybody from anything, I’m simply stating an opinion based on my own experience and that of many others, and reacting to what I see as Jafreeman...why not try and address some of the things I bring up? Like gear manufacturers ignoring the pseudo science and hyperbole disgorged by the fools who pay through the nose for a fuse. Around here expectation bias meets gigantic egos with alleged "Golden Ears" who are justifiably ridiculed by the sane among us (including engineers of audio gear)...I don’t believe the ridiculous claims, I’ve tested Magic fuses myself and believe me, I’m hardly the only one around here who feels Magic fuses are all a scam to cash in on the gullibility of audio geeks. If I stated that painting the knobs on my preamp with green paint that I payed 150 bucks for made cellos come into focus, I’d get ridiculed...and rightly so.