opinions on Rega RS1 speakers

Is anyone using these bookshelf speakers??

What do you think about them? how are they working out?

I would like to hear peoples thoughts on these, I heard a pair briefly at an Audio store in Seattle, They sounded pretty good, seemed to have nice detail and musical.

Anyone using them?

Please share your thoughts.
You are right ..they are quite incredible.I've had some round here which I purchased on a/g recently for a friend on a limited budget. I normally listen on Lowther dx4 Medallion horns with various SE DH Triodes 45,300B,2a3,and was stunned, by their detail and overall blackness and sharp relief.I almost did not want to let them go.You're absolutely correct to say that they leave many other reputed brands in the dust.This uncanny ability,I think lies in the fact that smaller PAPER voice coils are more realistic than plastics,kevlars and the like.The trade off as with any thing in this game is whether you get sufficient bass for your taste.If you like acoustic and vocal music,you'll be ok.You can make up some ground(low frequency)with a closer listening position or in a smaller room & closer positioning to back wall..go for it...john
mcgarick, as glene opined your first impressions are spot-on--the regas are a really, accurate, well-balanced speaker. i suspect they're overlooked because of their low price, unassuming looks and light weight. their key attribute is they're impervious to placement--they sound really good at or near a wall or corner. soundstage is surprisingly wide, too.
What about adding a quality tight sounding sub with them?
I'm doing that now to good effect in my room with large book shelf speakers...

Rega doesn't give any specs that I can see?

They seemed to go fairly low if I recall, but I'm not to sure how low, that little paper woofer is so unassuming. Potent little bugger.
depending on your room size, placement, etc., you might not need a sub (your call, of course)--i'd guesstimate they go down to the mid 50s or so, which isn't earthshaking, but what low end is there is very tight and musical. when i auditioned 'em (with a 50w ss naim amp), they sounded just fine as is and i didn't feel like i was missing the bottom end. in contrast, my polk lsi7s (a similarly priced, similarly performing competitor) definitely need the added punch from a sub. in any case, enjoy.
I've never heard them, but they got a very good review at TechRadar, which I believe is the online version of England's HiFi Choice magazine. If I recall correctly, they gave the Regas a five-out-of-five-star rating.

Mcgarick, as you may know, Rega isn't real big on giving specs for any of their products.