2 channel amp suggestion

I've had mostly NAD gear for quite a while, starting with a 3020 years ago...a while back my OLD C270 amp started losing it in the right channel so I am using the Front speaker wires on my NAD 758 rather than Preamp outs and an amp while I research a replacement...my stereo music sources are an Oppo 103, Bluseound Node2 with HiRes Tidal account, and a Project Expression 3..but only with the Sumiko Oyster...(next upgrade?)...I have B&W CM9s with a Velodyne subwoofer filling the really low end in an oddly shaped living room...I see the 275BEE is the NAD replacement but the stores I have nearby have Atoll, Anthem and Rotel in that 2 "grandish" or less price range...any suggestions? Perhaps the Used market? Thanks...love this Forum...
It might be worthwhile to add the Parasound A21 to your list. I have the A21+ paired with my B&W CM9s and it sounds great! You should be able to find an original A21 under your price point on the used market or as a dealer demo if you look hard enough. 
Atoll stuff gets great reviews but might be a bit low on power for B&W CM9s. The Rotel stuff is usually a solid value. Anthem gear seems to have a history of reliability issues. 

If you need an integrated amp, the mosfet-powered Yamahas are hard to beat. Should be able to get an A-S1200 for ~$2K.

i recently bought an atoll - it is a nice unit, but i agree it is not that powerful, albeit pretty sweet, forward sounding for a low dollar unit

try a used hegel - they are very nice sounding solid state (not harsh in the least, very dimensional) and have very good control over dynamic driver speakers
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