Please list all USB digital to analogue devices

I only know of the Apogee Mini DAC. Please, Help!
This is a great list. I am wondering though, some/all of these boxes perform D/A from a computer's USB port. Are any of these better than others for pure switching capabilities? What I mean by this is: if you are going to only use one of these devices with another DAC anyway, will any of these do a better job than the others of converting the signal from the computer's USB into a coaxial or optical signal to be sent to a DAC?

For example, I am using a Waveterminal U24 to get the signal out of the USB port of my laptop. From the Wavterminal I am using a coaxial cable into my DAC. Is one of these units better than others for just this purpose?

(Also to add to the list we have going, I was just at the CEC website and their DAC 53 has USB input.)
headroom total bithead

bel canto DAC 3

bel canto e.One 300S iu integrated amp

outlaw rr2150 integrated amp