Take the cat to your local Chinese restaurant.
Enjoy the Music!
Enjoy the Music!
My #@%$ Cat Destroyed My ARC REF 5SE. Soliciting Suggestions.
Hello everybody! Haven't had access to A'gon for a bit. I return and read a lot of useful info, not so useful info and a spirited conversation about why cats and audio equipment are not compatible. I didn't realize there are many audiophiles who believe cats are totally useless, and have too many lives (9). Here's what I figured out- I am going to bring my Ref5SE to my audio dealer, who will send to his bench tech, who will price out repair of the main board. He believes the board can be "re-striped" because the capacitors attached were not damaged. We shall see..... PS minorl-agree with your insights. stevea11757-Ben at High-End is a good person. teo_audio and gktaudio-I agree with your assessments and recommendations. timinphoenix-Thanks! I may be in touch. fleschler-I did not know that about insurance. Thanks for the info. |
Very sorry to hear, OP. My girlfriend has 2 cats, and I mostly enjoy them, but they’re pretty dumb animals. Their curiosity serves more for destructive powers than intelligent learning. Yes, they have tweaked up a valued piece of audio gear I had here (clawed/torn rubber surround on a Tannoy Eyris DC3 speaker), but not $7K worth. If it’s $7K in for repair, personally I’d put that same money towards a used/demo Reference 6 and a custom cover (acrylic or canvas) - that money takes you most of the way there, and everyone I’ve seen who’s moved from 5SE to 6 has claimed it’s a big upgrade. I haven’t heard the 5SE but have a 6 and love it - truly a wonderful sounding pre. The unfortunate reality is that $7K is a little above a 5SE’s used-market price now. Of course there are always other interesting preamps to look at, some for much less than $7K. Don Sachs, LTA, Atmasphere, and Herron would be on my curiosity list. Edit: Might as well give your dealer's tech a chance first, see where that goes! |