Thanks @riaa and @rwpollock Looks like you guys are lucked out getting a pair of SIT-1. All the SITs are unobtonium these days. I will keep my eyes and ears wide open in the used market but if anybody is willing to offload any of the SITs, pm me please :-)
btw, I currently have a PS Audio BHK Pre - can anybody tell if it’s a good match with the SITs ?
@david_ten thanks for the confirmation. You happen to also use a Townsend podium - did it make a bigger difference then just using the Eden spikes on the bare floor ?
btw, I currently have a PS Audio BHK Pre - can anybody tell if it’s a good match with the SITs ?
@david_ten thanks for the confirmation. You happen to also use a Townsend podium - did it make a bigger difference then just using the Eden spikes on the bare floor ?