Rebuild or new cartridge with my zeta tonearm

Hey all,

im refurbishing my Gyrodec with Zeta tonearm. I have a Sumiko Talisman Virtuoso B . It needs a new stylus and possible rebuild from Soundsmith. My question:

is it better to rebuild the Sumiko or get a new cart? What carts would you recommend within tonearm? 
Thanks in Advance
I actually bought schiit’s entry level oh I.. which has all kinds of settings for a range of carts. I believe it will do LOMC. I guess I’ve never been sold on MC as they all seem so expensive.. but I do have preamp
If you were happy with the sound of your Sumiko go for the rebuild it should sound as good if not better than new.
I had my Sumiko BPS Evo 3 rebuilt and was very happy with the results
I very much doubt it will sound better than new.
It will definitely sound different.
It will definitely not sound the same.
It could sound good.
It could sound very good.

Even though I am not a huge fan of the Denon DL103, I believe it is reported to be a very good match to the Zeta arm which is built like a brick outhouse and weighs

So that is one option IF you wanted to try the lomc route.