Classical Music for Aficionados

I would like to start a thread, similar to Orpheus’ jazz site, for lovers of classical music.
I will list some of my favorite recordings, CDs as well as LP’s. While good sound is not a prime requisite, it will be a consideration.
  Classical music lovers please feel free to add to my lists.
Discussion of musical and recording issues will be welcome.

I’ll start with a list of CDs.  Records to follow in a later post.

Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique.  Chesky  — Royal Phil. Orch.  Freccia, conductor.
Mahler:  Des Knaben Wunderhorn.  Vanguard Classics — Vienna Festival Orch. Prohaska, conductor.
Prokofiev:  Scythian Suite et. al.  DG  — Chicago Symphony  Abbado, conductor.
Brahms: Symphony #1.  Chesky — London Symph. Orch.  Horenstein, conductor.
Stravinsky: L’Histoire du Soldat. HDTT — Ars Nova.  Mandell, conductor.
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances. Analogue Productions. — Dallas Symph Orch. Johanos, cond.
Respighi: Roman Festivals et. al. Chesky — Royal Phil. Orch. Freccia, conductor.

All of the above happen to be great sounding recordings, but, as I said, sonics is not a prerequisite.

@schubert      Gosh Len haven't watched uni challenge in years, I'm glad Strathclyde won though (I always gloat when the Sassenachs get cuffed) 
That quote was a new one on me.

@jcazador    I have a recording of Ogden doing the Fantasia Contraputistica and the Liszt B minor Sonata and although they have their merits I,m afraid Ogden was never the same after his psychotic incarcerations. He just never made any mistakes in his playing before them but after his playing was littered with fudged notes and memory slips. No he was never the same after that.
Jim, I saw your Bag Pipe advice and right you are .
I’m caught between being an old squatty and hating war .

Well , the 51st HD was the best example  of Scottish cannon fodder  in English Military History in both WW1 and WW II and this IS Classical Music .

As you said sometimes you are never the same .

@schubert     Yes Len the Jocks and the Micks were always the first into battle while the Sassenach generals sat in the
french chateau's drinking the cellar dry.
Aye , and a little known fact . In both WW 1 and WW II the Canadians
did better than ANY other allied troops .

I was astonished to learn the Canadians with a wee 3 Divisions were the "British" shock troops for last 2 years and never were a day off the line !
They took so many casualties the German soldiers would not shoot at any wounded Canadian trying to crawl back to their lines .The Ultimate respect from one soldier to another.
A nation with less than 8 million people put 600 , 000 men though its forces .

The iconic film any in WW II D-day film is British soldiers with great elan up and at them jumping into waist-deep water .

Only it is the Canadian 1st Division .
Needless to say many of the Canadians in both wars were Scottish immigrants .