Interesting your comment on the motor controller.
I had forgotten I had tried an old SR Black I had lying around in a Walker motor controller.
At the time of installing I thought it had made some difference but I also upgraded the PC at same time. Turns out it was the PC making the difference, as I found by trial and error.
So basically zero effect on the Walker.
Also interesting you say biggest impact on your integrated as I would say that was smallest impact in my system.
But that is exactly what I am getting at in part with this thread.
How system synergy still applies even with fuse changes.
And we cannot ever rule out our own perceptions, expectation bias ( yes I acknowledge it exists!), room acoustics, phase of the moon etc etc.
It's part of what makes this whole game so much fun!
Interesting your comment on the motor controller.
I had forgotten I had tried an old SR Black I had lying around in a Walker motor controller.
At the time of installing I thought it had made some difference but I also upgraded the PC at same time. Turns out it was the PC making the difference, as I found by trial and error.
So basically zero effect on the Walker.
Also interesting you say biggest impact on your integrated as I would say that was smallest impact in my system.
But that is exactly what I am getting at in part with this thread.
How system synergy still applies even with fuse changes.
And we cannot ever rule out our own perceptions, expectation bias ( yes I acknowledge it exists!), room acoustics, phase of the moon etc etc.
It's part of what makes this whole game so much fun!