Need preamp recommendation

Hi everyone :)

I am in the market for a 2-ch preamp to go with my power amp, and am looking for some recomendations. Will prob go used, as I think I can get more value for my money. I would like to limit the sale price @ $4k.

Do I want this?:

Maybe something else?

Thanks in advance.

ROTEL MICHI P5. Fantastic preamp. It has all you need. Tone controls xlr imputs and DAC is Ian other level.  I got it under 4k with tax. Very transparent sound. Actually amps will make all the difference.  Consider it before committing to any other option
Audible illusions modulus 3B .At the price on the used market unbeatable and it come with moving coil stage if need be .

a tube pre may soften the sound more than you would like

I actually like the tube sound, and some softness. A little softer is better to me, coming from the LFAC days.... but too much, I agree, isn’t good either.