purchasing US made speakers

I currently have psb imagine t2 speakers. I am interested in replacing them with US manufactured speakers 10-12 k being the maximum price....perhaps aerial acoustics, vandersteen,,,,,any thoughts? My hearing at age 70 diminishes at 8,000 hz so a good midrange is probably good.
I would second the Soundlab Majestic 545 suggestion depending on your room size and your amplifier.

As far as I am aware, they are 100 percent made in America. The wooden frames are built by someone local to Soundlab. The panel is constructed entirely in the US, and the backplate electronics are assembled in the US, all by Soundlab.  

Parts of the backplate and panel may be sourced from other countries. You would have to ask Dr. West to get specific information there. 

I have a pair of 645s in a room that is 12x16, and even only 6 feet away from their front, they sound great. 

Every box speaker I have ever had, I wrestled with bass response to some degree. I've always attempted to mitigate these issues with dozens of bass traps. 

The design of the Soundlab speakers makes the bass integrate so much better. I now don't have to use as many traps to get better sound. 

I think it would also be difficult to beat the midrange of the Soundlabs in a box speaker without having to spend significantly more money. 
Don't forget Joseph Audio. Made in New York. Various price points near where you want to be. Excellent sound. 
Vandersteen Audio Quatro CT would be my recommendation for you. This particular Made in USA speaker offers a unique phase and time correct driver arrangement,is extremely placement friendly with i separate self powered bass section being tunable with analog room compensation non DSP approach.. We have tuned hundreds of these designs successfully,some placed only four inches out from the wall,available in a variety of beautiful wooden finishes,Eucalyptus my fav each meticulously hand tuned in an anechoic chamber.
They work well with most any pairing of electronics and are a true music lovers companion
Audio Connection
Vandersteen Dealer 31 years

Salk makes some lovely costumed made speakers. I ordered a Supercharged SongCenter center speaker in teak veneer and I am delighted with it. It really has improved the surround system's tonality, imaging and dialog comprehension. You can also consider the Magico A3s. I have a pair and they are a joy to listen to.
Legacy Audio manufactured in Springfield, IL. The Focus SE or Focus XD fall into your budget.