Happy with digital, but thinking about vinyl--looking for system specific recommendations

I just upgraded my dac to the Chord Qutest which seems perfect for my system.  And in the months between that order & its arrival, I also found a great deal on a Croft Micro 25R (already had the basic 25 preamp).  Since it has an allegedly excellent tube MM phono stage, it seems a shame to not make use of it at least occasionally.  I don't have much experience here, so I'm hoping for some ideas of what might be a good match to my system (ProAc Studio 148 speakers, First Watt M2 amp, Cardas Neutral Reference IC's & Anticables 3.1 speaker wire), preferably the least expensive turntable/cartridge option that's still good enough to make me want to actually not just click 'play' on Tidal. Thanks.

I would go with the Music Hall 7.3 recommended above.  It's definitely good enough to let you know if vinyl means anything to you.  I bought a Musical Hall 5.1 back in 2005 when I started my mid-life vinyl journey and I was able to understand what the fuss was about, even compared to my then 10k CD player.  This convinced me to move up to a better TT later on.  But if you try vinyl, I would absolutely buy some new or mint used records so you don't get turned off by dirt and noise.  I suggest buying about 5-10 of your favorite albums from Music Direct or Acoustic Sounds so you'll be off to a good start.  I hope you enjoy yourself. I'm sure the Technics is great too.  

fsonicsmith had good advice, but I’ve got better news on the Marantz TT 15S1. It includes a Clearaudio Virtuoso MM cartridge ($800) for the price of the table ($1500). I had this setup for about 5 years before stepping up to the Technics SL1200G, my retirement table.

The Virtuoso is a very nice cartridge and the table couldn’t be easier to setup and use. 

One thing to keep in mind. You need products to take care of your records. A vacuum record cleaning machine can set you back $5 to 6 hundred dollars. Even brand new records need a thorough cleaning to remove mold release compounds.(your record wouldn't fall out of the stamper without it) Last Record Preservative. Stylus cleaner and Stylast. They make these cool bubbles of an elastic that you just set your stylus on it and raise it up clean. Your record collection will start to grow so ya gotta take care of them. Not trying to discourage you in any way. Analog always has and always will smoke digital. There's just a little more to it.
Good listening! 
Got a Nad C588 with Ortofon  redcart for $600.upperd to blue$ 700.then opened a new credit card got $100 off....$600 tax n shipping Excellent buy....
Here’s some advice you haven't asked for. I’ve been doing this for a long time--in vinyl and in digital.

However vinyl and digital start out at affordable levels, as you go up the chain, and do it right in each case, they do converge in SQ IMO. I have many of the same performances in vinyl and in digital. Not all vinyl pressings are great. Not all digital renderings of original analog recordings are done as well as possible. But when they’re all done well, and with a good enough set up it would be hard to tell the difference. And I mean even in the low level and spacial artifacts that audiophiles crave.

I enjoy my vinyl. My records are like old friends. For the great bulk of them I do not have the same in digital. But vinyl is a pain in the neck, and will always be. New software is very expensive and often inferior to original editions. The search for used vinyl in really good condition can be never-ending. Digital is easy and software is cheap either by used media (which generally plays as good as new) or by subscriptions.

So, if I did not already have an extensive record collection, I personally would not embark anew on the vinyl journey unless the hobbyist in you far outweighs the interest in music. Best IMO to put all of your effort and $$$ into improving your digital. A new DAC is just the beginning.

I know I’m on an analog board so I’m reaching for my shield now. :-)