Has anyone heard of Volti Audio?

Hello. I was wondering if anyone had heard of Volti Audio?
I am going to be received my pair soon and was wondering if anyone has heard these? I have read nothing but wonderful things about Volti Audio and its owner Greg Roberts. I hope they sound as good as they look.
Phaelon you are right! I wonder how big a room you need? I was most impressed by the Hartfields - the big ones on the end (although they were all big). That was the closest I have heard to live music from a loudspeaker!
I made the time to leave our room quickly to check out the Volti room at CAF, too. The Vittoras were stunning - especially with the subs added in. I have no affiliation with them (I didn't get to talk with Greg because he was busy with customers), but I stayed for about 10 minutes and walked away believing that the Vittoras were worth their asking price. There were a few other rooms had speakers that cost much more, and they sounded pretty bad in comparison. ;-)