Looking for a speaker cable with a relaxed sound.

Looking for a cable to pair with my Focal Maestro speakers. I want to offset the forwardness a bit with the right cable. I want it to relax the forwardness but also don’t want to loose transparency and detail. Thanks Mike 
Cables are no different when it comes to system synergy. You need to balance everything out.

Not like that. If something is too forward, bright, rolled off, dull- you name it, whatever, does not matter - you suck it up. You live with it. Make the best of it. Because nothing is perfect. Everything has its faults. Its hard enough to find something with the least objectionable faults. The absolute last thing you should ever want to do is deliberately go looking for faults. Which is what you're talking about. Its a recipe for failure.
Start with Belden 8477...it is very cheap, and is extremely hi res, and if it suits your system, other cables may not even come close.
I agree that it's always good to start with something like Belden 10 gauge from Bluejeans and you may luck out.  It's great with some setups.  But if it isn't, I would consider looking into Purist.  IMO, they do a great job with speakers that lean towards the forward side, but definitely without loss of resolution.