MHDT Orchid or Audio Mirror/ pick one for me please

I have been looking around at my first streaming system ever, never even owened a dac. I have owned a Ezemplar Audio tube Denon 2900 and Exemplar tube Oppo 105 for the last 15 years, others have come and gone these always stayed. I mostly listen to records. I have been looking at dac's for a couple months and these are the 2 tube dac's I am considering. Solid state I looked at RME, Border Patrol, Ayre, Mytek, Chord and others. I like how the Orchid can except so many tubes and likes mods. Audio Mirror looks interesting I understand maybe more detail,  which is important. Both are in my price range, I want to start out slow and not spend to much on first purchase in streaming. I will also need a cheap streamer. Thanks for any suggestions. I'm kind of lost!!
I have professionally reviewed both Dacs (The Orchid for Six Moons the Tubadour SE III for Stereo Times) and own both of them. If you want to discuss this with me, just shoot me a message and I'll get back to you.
I have the Audio Mirror 45W SET mono- blocks and can tell you Vlad B. is great to work with. I would also have the AM DAC but am about 95% vinyl. Vlad pays very close attention to the sound of his products. These amps reproduce music wonderfully.
I love my AMT3se and know of another member who did a direct shootout between an upgraded Orchid and the AMT3se. He chose the AM.

I chose mine over a Lampizator Amber 3, PS Audio Directstream, iFi DSD Pro, Matrix x-Sabre Pro, & Shiit Bifrost 2. All with extended auditions in my system except the Shiit which a friend brought over for me to try.