Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?
Mr. millercarbon

The way to make that choice, of 6' or 8' is the distance between your Amp. and speakers. 
What the speaker cable manufacturer has to with it?
Mr. glupson

It’s obvious that you have nothing smart to say, so you use derogatory language.
#0 or #00 or #000, yes. Most cables out there are #12 - #14 awg and are insufficient for higher DF SS Amps.
Yes, they are cheap to make and easier than doing a #0 awg cable.
I just made one this Sat. It is difficult to work with such a cable (#0 awg). I had to fight with it a half day to get it done.
Also materials are more expensive. They waight 1.85 kg. each (x4).
Design issues. A MIL STD or airborne unit MUST go through some maticolouse design phases. It shall assure a perfect product.
The way today speaker cables are made, is the worst. Nothing is professional. A big shame for all involved.


"It’s obvious that you have nothing smart to say, so you use derogatory language."

Thanks for this derogatory comment before you even attempted to say anything smart.

My comment about 0, or even 00, was based on following your other thread. If you found that observation derogatory, maybe it is time that you change your calculations.

Why don’t you just repeat that whole thread? Ask people again about their amplifiers and calculate what gauge cable they would need. Then go and hide for a year again.
Mr.  glupson

I do not hide. I didn't see any reason to keep fighting there not friendly dealers at a time no more were interested to try it.
I'd returned and will as many times as I like. Any problems with that?
If Amp's DF is high, at 9' length, a #0 or #00 is required.
So suggest the calculation, so it improves the sound.
I wonder, how come you never tried it, and still keep nugging. 
Do it (DIY) and then come back and say your say.