Best Speakers for a small Nearfield room, budget at most $10000 (used is also ok)

Hi guys, I am a newbie here and am searching the best speakers in a small room (my room is about 13’ x 10’).
Consider a pair of bookshelf or small floor standing (like Magico S1 mk1?). Those speakers will be placed near the corner of the room, may be I will prefer a sealed case.

I listen to female vocals, jazz and light original sound tracks at a relatively low volume. Since I am transferred from a headphone system, what I really care is the musically and smoothness of the system. Any suggestions?

BTW, I am in USA now. What kind of brands that could be easily found in Usa?

Now I am looking at Magico a3 (There are multiple driver for a3, I am afraid it is an overkill for my room), Magico a1(seems good), Raidho xt1, xt2, used c1.1 ?
I also think Dutch&Dutch 8 could work. Or Kii Three. If you don't want active speakers I suggest you try Booenicke W5, works great in pretty small rooms and should be good with jazz.
Wow, there are really a lot of choices here. I am so glad that you guys do many recommendations for me. I come to know those phenomenal brands and they are all amazing.
Considering your original list...I am a Raidho dealer and am a huge fan of the brand.  They are best with more than 20" from back wall.  They are amazing speakers but 3' of space behind them is essential for the sound stage to come together.  Proximity to sidewall is not a big deal.  You might find a smallish floorstander from scansonic  (MB-5B???)  will work better in your room assuming amplification is ideal.  

I think I am missing what amp you are driving them with and what sources your have?  Even at modest volumes you don't want the system to sound bright.  What other speakers have you heard that you liked?

Everyone has their favorite brand but we really need to account for your personal taste and your amplification.  There are a million options.  Given your taste in music, something like an Avantgarde Zero would be brilliant and would work in your room but is not a "small speaker"  and needs to be paired with a warm amp or they can be unpleasantly bright.  

Magico is awesome, but requires a neutral to warmer amp.  AVM is brilliant with Magico but Chord would be unpleasant.  Alternatively, something like Chord paired with a Spendor D7 could be brilliant.  Matching is critical.  

A little more info could help get away from list of everyone's favorite brand and help narrow and target your search.  

Full disclosure, I am a Raidho, Chord, Avantgarde and Scansonic dealer and have access to some other brands (including my own, Verdant and others mentioned in this thread) that might work well for you.  
I have to throw my hat in the ring in this one and recommend Studio Electric m4.  I have two sets of the early art deco version.  They are never harsh sounding, never seemed strained and are sealed so no worries about chuffing ports or weird bass resonances from rear ports.  If you do get something else at least get a transmission line with front port.

Oh did I mention the SE are way under your price range.  Try them I think you'll like them.