Why high-end cable manufacturers don't post measurements?

I'd like to get your take on why high-end manufacturers don't post measurements? would you like to see how a cable measure before ....does it matter to you?
Mr.  djones51

So many words, So many posts, so much  time put in your says...
Did you ever try it?
What if I'm right?

I am right.

It has records of proof in my previous thread.
Just tell me your
Amp's DF (not the 10000 BS) and
length (not the 4000 feet BS), and
what is the # and length of the cables you currently use.

1. Because, under carefully controlled conditions, the measurements wouldn't consistently reveal significant differences ...


2.  ... even if measurements could reveal ~significant differences, it would be too hard to agree on and consistently repeat controlled testing conditions. I suspect the differences some people report, if real, are attributable to changes in length, gauge, or fiddling around with connections.  Or to small changes in speaker positions that occur in the process of changing cables.

Mr. B4icu it's not relevant what distance the wire and DF of amp without taking into account the impedance swing of the speakers. You keep on pushing battery cables and I'll stick to reality. 
I have a very good friend who actually sells real power distribution systems around the world (think electrical infrastructure for cities of 11 million and then some). If you guys continue with this wire expertise, I will have to call him in for help.

I have the same, and they do it for major corporations, major governments, major government facilities, all remaining nameless..etc..and their expertise is in transmission lines, and so on.

And they realize that this bears no discussion. That the audio and music fan questions about audio cables are very very real. That the complexity of the question and answer set in ’high end audio’ is very very real.

So, strike that one down, unless your buddy really has no idea what he is dealing with or talking about....then by all means..forge ahead!
Lol tk, small changes in speaker position when changing cables? My speakers don’t move at all as they’re not positioned on Teflon. Fiddling with connections? If you haven’t tightened the nut, shame on you. My speaker cables are all standard 8 ft, and yes, there are some differences in gauges in some cases.