Wharfedale Linton Heritage vs...

Greetings! I'm hoping some of you may be kind enough to offer some advice. Has anyone heard the Wharfedale Linton Heritage and the Q acoustics 3050i and the Concept 40 that can give a comparison? I'm looking for a new pair of speakers in the sub $1500 range. Thanks.
A lot of positive reviews on the Lintons, maybe you should try them out at home?We have all had demos on equipment that didn’t live up to our expectations, it doesn’t mean these won’t work in your system.
lots of factors determine a speaker choice - music preference, other equipment, room acoustics etc. The speakers you have listed all seem to garnered positive reviews so go have a listen and see if it’s your cup of tea.
Good Luck and have fun along the way.
Crutchfield will let you try them home for 60 days with full return privileges.
Same thing for Music Direct - full 60 days.

Should plenty of time to listen and let your own ears decide.

As much as I hate the prospect boxing things up and returning them I may give them an audition. Q Acoustics has a 30 day return, if I'm willing to float around $3k for awhile I can A/B the Lintons and the Concept 40 head to head. I would only hope the choice would be clear, to like them both equally would be awful.
“to like them both equally would be awful“

Liking both wouldn’t be that bad - then you just pick the one that looks best in your room and return the other. 

I will agree boxing things up and sending back can be a pain but It helps in the long run in finding something that sounds good to you.