Focal kanta 2 vs Sonus faber olympica 2..which to buy?

The floorstanders being offered are 1500 in price difference (kanta is more)😀
I was able to audition the kanta,but not the olympicas..

I will drive them using a primaluna tube integrated 
I do like the Kantas,they are not harsh(something I have heard people say about beryllium tweeter)
70% will be for music..mostly Bollywood mp3s,Spotify and that order.

PS:if I had not heard the kantas I would’ve gone with olympica😔Now I am torn it worth the 1500 more I currently own the Sonus faber Cremona auditor Bookshelves
Would kindly request members here to weigh in ..I am not looking at other alternatives


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I recently auditioned the Kanta 2 vs the Olympic III and am torn as well. The Nova is much better than the previous version which I found bright. The Nova is more laid back and also in comparison to the Kanta. I think the Kanta delivered more defined bass and mods but found the highs a little forward. The unfortunate in the audition was that they were in two different rooms and different equipment. I had heard the Sopras and those a no brained for me except the cost. I think in the end I will buy the Olympicas as the softer highs do appeal to me after 17 years with my Revels that have become brighter as my ears have aged. The other factor is appearance although that is a cardinal sin in audio, but I may never buy another speaker and have to look at them as well. If the Kanta would offer the same finish available on the Sopra, I may lean more that direction.
I agree on the kantas front firing port,maybe ,really blew me away..👍🏽
And completely agree on aging ears...I can’t bear to hear my older poorly recorded I even changed my dac..

So if I may ask..u saying that kantas are much less bright than the old olympicas (not nova)?...I am surprised to hear any sonus faber line being characterized as bright..though heard only 2 of em till now..

I recently upgraded my speakers from Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 to Sonetto Vs and because of the improvement in the details because of the improved tweeter and mid-range.  I didn't expect to have the sound difference be so great - and my desire to stay within a budget meant I didn't critically test out the Olympia's.

So I my be biased with Sonus Faber.  And my 'upgrade' isn't the same jump I'd expect yours is from the Cremona to the Olympia...
I’ve heard Olympica 2’s and 3’s. The 2’s were incredibly underwhelming however the 3’s were quite good