Focal kanta 2 vs Sonus faber olympica 2..which to buy?

The floorstanders being offered are 1500 in price difference (kanta is more)😀
I was able to audition the kanta,but not the olympicas..

I will drive them using a primaluna tube integrated 
I do like the Kantas,they are not harsh(something I have heard people say about beryllium tweeter)
70% will be for music..mostly Bollywood mp3s,Spotify and that order.

PS:if I had not heard the kantas I would’ve gone with olympica😔Now I am torn it worth the 1500 more I currently own the Sonus faber Cremona auditor Bookshelves
Would kindly request members here to weigh in ..I am not looking at other alternatives


Ag insider logo xs@2xvidya46
I’ve heard Olympica 2’s and 3’s. The 2’s were incredibly underwhelming however the 3’s were quite good 
Seems you like Sonus Faber sound signature in your rig already, staying with the house sound is the safe bet.

On the other hand the Kanta with tubes is a potentially better synergy, like peanut butter and jam.

IMHO of course and thus not worth much.
I have the Kanta 3s & until I put a PS Audio tube pre in front of them they were a little bright. With the tube pre they are really really good.  I bought the Kanta 2s first then found a deal on the 3s.  I sold the Kanta 2s  to a guy who told me they brought a tear to his eye. He loves them.
You can’t go wrong with either.   Don’t listen to the old guy in the red tie.  Â