Burn In... the Age Old Question, Cables, Components, and Speakers

First, if I choose to burn in my new speaker cables playing only Pink Floyd or something like a Windham Hill Electronic collection, both on CD, will eventually my cables be best suited for those two types of sound? Not that they would not be good for other music, but would they be BEST for the Pink Floyd or Windham Hill sound?

Second, do components need to burn in too, like a new CD player, or even (don't laugh) an Amazon Echo Link?

Third, I'm mostly sure that speakers NEED to burn in because the last time I bought new ones (Focal Arias) I got home, hooked them up and could not wait for the amazing sound that I knew would spring forth, but alas, they sounded like a pair of White Van Speakers and my heart sank into my stomach. Then as I was getting everything set to return them, (about 3 hours later) I returned to the music room and to my amazement I was listening to the best pair of floor standers I have ever heard. Then over a few days time, they were even better. So I kept them, and they are just great. 

So... any comments anyone?
The problem with playing all Pink Floyd, one day you will be playing Rachmaninoff and in the background of the quietest passages you will hear, "matter of fact its all dark."

Second, do components need to burn in ?
Most components are very low maintenance and not needy at all. All mine are perfectly happy to just sit there not even being turned on, sometimes for days at a time.

Third, I’m mostly sure that speakers NEED to burn in because the last time I bought new ones (Focal Arias) I got home, hooked them up and could not wait for the amazing sound that I knew would spring forth, but alas, they sounded like a pair of White Van Speakers and my heart sank into my stomach. Then as I was getting everything set to return them, (about 3 hours later) I returned to the music room and to my amazement I was listening to the best pair of floor standers I have ever heard.

Which was the point all along, to let us know you are happy with your new speakers. Congratulations. But please play a mix of music or you will be forced to dump the best speakers you ever heard to get rid of the heartbeat in the background.

burn them in
have few sets burned in for different types of music...it will be odd and cumbersome to switch, but worth it
Only mechanical things (speakers and phono cartridges) need some use to reach their potential. Wires - NO!