What Is The Best CD Changer Player Out There?

I'm looking to add a "secondary" CD Changer to my main system. For those times when I'm in and out of a room, but want good, clean sound. A player that not only sounds good, but is also mechanically reliable. Player price on the used market should not exceed around $1500, and the McIntosh is not in consideration at this time. My system is comprised of a Classe CA401 amp, Krell HTS 7.1 pre-pro & Piega P10 speakers. All input welcomed.
I have the Adcom GCD-600 changer(has been great) that I have running as a transport out to a AA DTI Pro and then to a PS Lambda Ultralink Dac. I am thinking of modding my cd player changer system with a modder, any input out there. To go back to a single player sysyem like the Meridian 508.24 will never happen for me, just a matter of using my system as background music so much of the time.
I am intrested in a low-jitter changer as well. I have so many CDs, I just don't have time to rip them all to a hard drive or what have you. Not only do you have to extract the bits, but you have to type track titles, etc.. What I would like to find is a well clocked and reliable CD changer that can handle, say, 10 CDs. I guess I could settle for 5 if I had to but I think 10 would be better.
A relatively inexpensive changer that sounds unusually good is the Decware DEC-685. This is a modified Sony DVP 685 changer and is now discontinued. However, I believe Decware may still have some for sale. I have had one for over a year without any problem. It works well as a player or transport. The modification implemented is merely adding a tube stage to the output of the decoder chip and bypassing all conditioning and hardware filter circuits.

Are there any new cd only changers? Just did some surfing and looks like they are all sony SACd or dvd changers.

Any one have info on the disc change speed of the new dvd or sony sacd changers?

My experience with multiformat players is that there is a delay while the player figures out what you put in. My old aiwa Cd changes in 3sec in random mode.

Baddabob: almost all new ripping software gets all the cd info off the net. The new I-tunes even gets album covers.
I just havent seen a music server player that looks easy to use. If you have seen the new jukeboxes in bars with the touch screen and easy browse menus, that's what I'm talking about.
Best changer is Sony 995V...new DVD upconversion with HDMI output as well and under $400.00. Not only that, but it's a darn good CD/DVD changer to boot and not a bad SACD changer...A steal IMHO!!!