New JBL Studio Monitors (4349) Coming in September
You guys are making me jealous. My 4pis are almost built up, though; that will give me a taste (the old 2226H below 1k). Also excited to hear Wayne's CD horn.
The 4429’s can throw a hugely detailed dynamic soundstage with amazing depth and image placement.  They can re create a live “In the club” sound like few others I’ve ever heard.  Full, organic and uncompressed in there presentation.  They are fun, exciting and way better than most of the $15k to $20k speakers I’ve owned!
Im told the 4429 is the LEAST Dynamic of all the JBL "horn" speakers. There's even a YOUTUBE review by "Next best thing studio" that goes into this in detail.   Ive had MANY JBL Speakers including 4411's (with Brand new tweeters installed no less) and I HIGHLY doubt they are better than the L100 classics.