Some impression on Zu Omen Definition

I just pick up a pair of Zu Omen Definition, and I have mixed feelings. It sound very different from my B&W.

First of all, the height of the sound. For my B&W, the sound is a bit higher than my ear level. But for the Zu, it is the same or a bit lower than my ear level. This sounds a bit weird. Because usually the singer will be on a stage, so, it is more natural to expect the sound is higher from my ear level.

Secondly is the depth. For my B&W, the singer is behind the speaker plane. For the Zu, the singer is very forward. It almost feel it is in front of the speaker plane. I don't know which way is better. Due to this difference, for the 30 mins or so .. I feel very weird listening to Zu.

Why would 2 speakers have so much different in presentation? The zu is much taller than the B&W, so, I expect it will project a bigger soundstage. And usually the sound stage is behind the speaker. But with the height and forward sounding, I can't say produce a big sound stage. Or can I say it produce a sound stage in front of the speaker plane, and I need to sit back further?
What is too high of a damping factor for Zu speakers? I was thinking of trying an Aleph J clone with my Soul Superflys. Damping factor is 20, whereas the Aleph 30 you mentioned has a damping factor of 100.
I have absolutely beautiful music with a 6 watt art Aurio Px 25 and an 8 watt Coincident Frankenstein 300. Sean casey at Zu loves the 2 watt Yamamoto A-08 at 2 watts.....

Actually I felt the 18 watt ( if I remember correctly) Art Audio 845 was too much wattage for the volume I listen to. Certain amps hit their stride at certain levels and I felt like I was driving a Ferrari in first gear...but at higher volumes it was amazing (but my neighbors did not quite hear it the same way:)).
Hi, Morganc, your comment is specifically for omen def, right? Just want to make sure as I read some ppl comment that the omen def needs more watt than other model like Druid. Just want to make sure.

I have auditioned many of the FirstWatt amps with my full range drivers that I had before the Zu Superflys. The Aleph 30 was the only one that I found to be overdamped. But might want to check with the folks at Zu on this. And if you do, please let us know what they recommend.
Yes my recommendations are for the Omen Defs......

roscoeiii: the F3 is recommended by Zu and the XA 30.5 are Sean Casey's favorite amps with the Omen Defs (heard it from him myself).