hi. can only comment on the CX-7 and on the 390s. the CX-7 is very good for the money, the 390s is better but not as good as my Audio Aero Capitole MK II.
The problem with the Levinson 390-s is really the problem with many audio hobbyists.It has been aroun awhile,and we all love the LATEST stuff.Also it is too well priced,so doesn't carry the aura of some other,less well designed stuff.It happens to be a fabulous player,that seems to be of Heirloom build quality,and is damn good sounding.NOT enough for some types.
sirspeedy: you are totally right. there is a lot of good "vintage" stuff around nobody talks about. the 390s for sure belongs to this rare species whereas I must admit that a new 390s is not a good value, a used one will be very hard to beat - valuewise.
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