Another new DAC: Audio Mirror

Just ran across this last night. Never heard of them before but
as a Minnesota company tweaked my curiosity.
Audio Mirror Tubadour III non-oversampling tube DAC. Sounds interesting.
If anyone runs across one and has a listen please post.
Yes it does.  User StewG can help you with a link to the supplier. Only $25 and high quality. He was floored by how much better the dac sounded with this tube over the WE tube. He said it was HUGE! 
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Tvad! Hadn't seen you around and just saw all you content has been deleted. What a shame, you have good ears and more people should copy your preferences.

Unfortunately I don't have the ability to provide the comparison information you're after, but I have the dac's lid off and Vlad is using Jensen jt-11p-11b transformers in that location. 

Also, given what I remember about your equipment preferences, I think you should take AM up on the home trial and just give it a shot. This dac just sounds so beautifully natural on my Coincident PREs.

As you've probably already read earlier in the thread better it is better than the Lampizator Amber 3, PS Audio Directstream & Perfectwave, Matrix X-Sabre Pro, ifi iDSD Pro, and Shiit Bifrost 2 in my system.
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